
Contributions to this repository must pass tests and linting.

CI is the canonical source of truth.

Install contribution dependencies

Install Python dependencies in a virtual environment.

pip install --editable .[dev]

Spell checking requires enchant. This can be installed on macOS, for example, with Homebrew:

brew install enchant

and on Ubuntu with apt:

apt-get install -y enchant


Run lint tools:

make lint

To fix some lint errors, run the following:

make fix-lint

Running Tests

Create an environment variable file for secrets:

cp vuforia_secrets.env.example vuforia_secrets.env

Some tests require Vuforia credentials. To run these tests, add the Vuforia credentials to the file vuforia_secrets.env. See Connecting to Vuforia.

Then run pytest:


Connecting to Vuforia

To connect to Vuforia, Vuforia target databases must be created via the Vuforia Web UI. Then, secret keys must be set as environment variables.

The test infrastructure allows those keys to be set in the file vuforia_secrets.env. See vuforia_secrets.env.example for the environment variables to set.

Do not use a target database that you are using for other purposes. This is because the test suite adds and deletes targets.

To create a target database, first create a license key in the Vuforia License Manager. Then, add a database from the Vuforia Target Manager.

To find the environment variables to set in the vuforia_secrets.env file, visit the Target Database in the Vuforia Target Manager and view the “Database Access Keys”.

Two databases are necessary in order to run all the tests. One of those must be an inactive project. To create an inactive project, delete the license key associated with a database.

Targets sometimes get stuck at the “Processing” stage meaning that they cannot be deleted. When this happens, create a new target database to use for testing.

To create databases without using the browser, use admin/ See instructions in that file.

Skipping Some Tests

Use the following custom pytest options to skip some tests:

--skip-real           Skip tests for Real Vuforia
--skip-mock           Skip tests for In Memory Mock Vuforia
                      Skip tests for In Memory version of Docker application
                      Skip tests for building Docker images


Documentation is built on Read the Docs.

Run the following commands to build and view documentation locally:

make docs
make open-docs

Continuous Integration

See Continuous Integration.

Learnings about VWS

Vuforia Web Services, at the time of writing, does not behave exactly as documented.

The following list includes details of differences between VWS and expected or documented behavior.

When attempting to delete a target immediately after creating it, a FORBIDDEN response is returned. This is because the target goes into a processing state.

image is required for POST /targets, but it is documented as not mandatory.

The tracking_rating returned by GET /targets/<target_id> can be -1.

The database summary from GET /summary has multiple undocumented return fields.

The database summary from GET /summary is not immediately accurate.

The documentation page Vuforia Query Web API states that the Content-Type header must be set to multipart/form-data. However, it must be set to multipart/form-data; boundary=<BOUNDARY> where <BOUNDARY> is the boundary used when encoding the form data.

The documentation page Vuforia Query Web API states that Content-Type will be the only response header. This is not the case.

The documentation page Vuforia Query Web API states that 10 is the maximum allowed value of max_num_results. However, the maximum allowed value is 50.

A response to an invalid query may have an application/json content type but include text (not JSON) data.

After deleting a target, for up to approximately 30 seconds, matching it with a query returns a 500 response.

A target with the name \uffff gets stuck in processing.

The documentation page Vuforia Query Web API states that “The API accepts requests with unknown data fields, and ignore the unknown fields.”. This is not the case.

The documentation page Vuforia Query Web API states “Maximum image size: 2.1 MPixel. 512 KiB for JPEG, 2MiB for PNG”. However, JPEG images up to 2MiB are accepted.

The request_count in a database summary is always 0.

The documentation for the target summary report says “Note: tracking_rating and reco_rating are provided only when status = success.”. However, reco_rating is never provided and tracking_rating is provided even when the status is “failed”.

Release Process

See Release Process.